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L.O.Martins considers herself a rolling stone of sorts. Born in China to Brazilian parents, she spent her childhood in a Middle Eastern country, her teenage years in Brazil, and is now "adulting" in the United States.


Being on the move gave her an impressive collection of different experiences, which she incorporates in her children's books, and advanced reader stories.


She wrote and illustrated her debut work "Marney Monster's Magical Book", and has now signed on as the inaugural author of LARAMEE Publishing LLC. 

Her stories share messages of tolerance, respect, and diversity, which we consider a fantastic fit for our publisher! 


Together, we are wrapping up work on two new upcoming books: Bo's Bike,  written by L.O.Martins and illustrated by Kelly Latham, and the exciting MIGHTY Alba series written AND illustrated by L.O.Martins! 


You can read more about her, keep up with her blog, and follow her for news on launch dates and events on her social media pages and website. Enjoy!



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